Royal Statistical Society - Glasgow Local Group

Talks - Events - Statistics - Data

Jobs of the Unknown: a Maths Week Scotland Careers Event in Glasgow

Jobs of the Unknown Poster

Date: Thu 26 September 2024
Time: 4:45pm-6:00pm
Venue: University of Strathclyde, Livingstone Tower, Room LT908 and Common Room, Glasgow
Event focus: Careers in both Statistics and Data Science.
Target Audience: Secondary School S5 and S6 pupils and University Undergraduates

Event format:
We will have a diverse collection of Mystery Guests who are currently either Statisticians or Data Scientists, who are willing to be quizzed on their field of speciality. But the aim of the evening is to discover what those specialities are!

Attendees will be put into small groups to circulate around the venue, meeting each Mystery Guest for up to 10 minutes. During that time, attendees can ask the Mystery Guest a series of questions in a bid to find out what field of data it is that they work in. Any remaining time will be available for the Mystery Guest to tell the group a little about what they do in a typical day, and to answer any follow-up questions.

Refreshments will be available.

Register Here

A similar event is happening in Edinburgh on Wed 25 Sep 2024.


Yes, but what happened at the Jobs of the Unknown Event that took place in Edinburgh in 2023?

It involved 1 hour of intense discussion between 50 people about data and statistics, and the consumption of 48 muffins, 1.2kg of crisps and snacks, 15 litres of drink, and 1 tub of Heroes Chocolates!

"It was an eye opening experience. I did not know the data and statistics could affect so many different sectors in the world of work, such as forestry and cancer research."

"The event worked very well and my pupils gained a lot from it. They have a better understanding of the opportunities available to someone with a background in statistics and enjoyed speaking with all the mystery guests."

"A great experience - the interrogations went well and the young people had some very insightful questions. The atmosphere was exciting and inclusive, and I personally learned a lot about how to describe what I do."

"I really enjoyed it - it was fun to meet lots of young people and talk about what I do. It made me reflect more on what I do and why, and what I love about it - so a really energising evening that was well organised."

Future Events

Date: Thu 26 September 2024
Time: 4:45pm-6:00pm
Venue: University of Strathclyde, Livingstone Tower, Room LT908 and Common Room
Topic: Jobs of the Unknown: a Maths Week Scotland Careers Event in Glasgow

Date: Wed 2 October 2024
Time: 5:15pm-6:30pm
Venue: University of Glasgow, Clarice Pears Building, Room 163
Topic: Specialist statistics education at 16-18: State of play in Scotland, England and Wales

Past Events

Date: Tue 27 August 2024
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: Bayes Centre, Edinburgh and Microsoft Teams
Topic: The RSS Scottish Local Groups Host the Scottish Census Team

Date: Tue 18 June 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: Common Room LT911 & Lecture theatre LT908, Livingstone Tower, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Topic: Queer Data: Who Counts?

Date: Thu 9 May 2024
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Venue: Room 311b, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow
Topic: An evening with the William Guy Lecturers

Date: 9 February 2022
Topic: Ebb and flow: Spatio-temporal modelling and anomaly detection in river networks

Date: 11 October 2021
Topic: Ethical funding in Artifical Intelligence

Date: 30 March 2021
Topic: The role of a National Statistics Institute during a pandemic

Date: 9 February 2021
Topic: Cardiovascular modelling

Date: 8 December 2020
Topic: Paper planes, pints, and other props: A talk by Liam Brierley

Date: 1 December 2020
Topic: Professional perspectives around data science and statistics

Date: 9 October 2020
Topic: Statistics for the public good with Sir Ian Diamond

Date: 30 September to 6 October 2019
Topic: Think stats! A Maths Week Scotland activity

Date: 26 September 2019
Topic: Transforming health and social care publications in Scotland

Date: 30 April 2019
Topic: Agent based models

Date: 28 Janaury 2019
Topic: Will statistics get caught out by a data backlash?

Date: 3 December 2018
Topic: Penguins, playing cards and statistics engagement

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does this local group exist?

A: We aim to run a series of events throughout each year that promotes and celebrates the use of Statistics. We strive to make the most of being part of Glasgow's vibrant data scene.

Q: Does this site use any cookies?

A: No.